Johnny You » 21 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Can you do an odd number of facets in origami? I am not sure if the paper is flexible. It would be like making a Mobius strip and they are definitely a 3D single sided curved surface.
Make a youtube channel. Maybe Subscribers will latch on. It might bring an income.
Why won't you accept the self evident results of thermodynamic principles showing how matter is connecting results evolving into never duplicated details inhabiting space self evidently existing in series parallel time, now?
Your personal time living is as equally here since conceived as my time alive sharing space since day conceived. Specificity of matter works regardless what socially matters among lifetimes ignoring their time displaced as adapting equally here.
Karma, good or bad is a direct result of genetic results not complying to natural time alive using a synthetic method of corrupting each brain navigating uniquely alive now.
95% mental illnesses are socially induced by serving humanity first. Each human brain is its fertilized cells nucleus a body developed around since the merger if its 2 parents mating result in series parallel universal environment.
that simple.